VIII Congreso sobre patrimonio industrial y obra pública
La Encartada El Peñueco, 11, Balmaseda, Bizkaia, EspañaNos hemos propuesto poner el foco en la mirada y revisitar el patrimonio industrial desde la perspectiva de género
Nos hemos propuesto poner el foco en la mirada y revisitar el patrimonio industrial desde la perspectiva de género
This workshop seeks to provoke reflection, overcoming preconceived ideas about the legacy of women and industrial heritage. We believe that it is possible to interpret our heritage under a gender perspective point of view, but for doing so, we must start by reviewing everything we give as an statement, introducing a different and lasting speech […]
AIP considers that it is essential to approach the interpretation of heritage from a feminist and transformative perspective that promotes equality between people. (More Information available in Spanish and Basque).
7th 8M25 Reflective Conference
7th 8M25 Reflective Conference