NewsWikiemakumeok. (Wikiwomen)
El proyecto Wikiemakumeok parte de una iniciativa mundial, llamada “Women in red” que denuncia la escasa presencia de mujeres referenciadas como entradas en Wikipedia. Su objetivo es hacer que todos los links relativos a mujeres que ahora aparecen en rojo (es decir,...
The Wikiemakumeok project is part of a worldwide initiative called “Women in red” that condemns the limited presence of women on Wikipedia. Its aim is to make all the links related to women that now appear in red (those that do not have their own Wikipedia entry)...
Emakumeek Santurtziko historian izan duten garrantzia.
Proiektua egiteko, udalerriko bost gazteren taldea sortu zen, eta horren xedea Santurtziko historia transmititzea izan zen. Garaturiko jardueretako bat Itzaleko argiak / Luces en la sombra izan zen, kontaketa historikoari beste esanahi bat emateko, hain zuzen ere...
The role of women in the history of Santurtzi.
Explained the initiative carried out within the Employment Plan (2016- 2017). For the carrying out of this project a team of five young people from the municipality was created, whose mission was to convey the history of Santurtzi. One of the activities developed was...
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